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Same-time Bargaining Game

Juan Andres Safra

#main class project

developing a same-time bargaining game (offline and online), as an infrastructure that fosters anti-hierarchical (anti-capitalist, counter-hegemonic) fair price trade processes. I hope to publish and open source it in the next months.


#keep in touch




juan andrés safra AKA ja (sounds like “Ha!”). pronoun indiferent (any), pan, demi, ambi, from Lima, Perú. currently recognizing, embodying and remixing a mixed race (mestizo?) socialization with an afro-amazonic-peruvian heritage, or as Nicomedes Santa Cruz would said: indoblanquinegro, identity.


i study and create from:critical collective improvisation across arts (writing, theater, dance, music) and design, civic media, ecosystemic thinking, relational diversity, poetic and social justice.

#key questions-themes

i tend to focus on the intersections and borders among: identities, power, morals, narratives, memories and habits. and also i am constantly curious for learning, inspiring, creating, collectively.

#learned-have done

i have been working mainly in communications, design and media roles, among which: